Gift Letter

~ 0 min
2022-12-12 06:07

Please find the attached documents.

Gift Letter & Requirements

Step 1:  The person giving you your gift, the Donor, must complete and sign the “Gift Letter” below.  Your signature is also required.

Step 2:  Additional Donor Requirements - Source of gift funds - provide the following: ·         A copy of the gift check OR wire transfer form showing gift amount transferring out of account ·         A copy of the bank statement showing gift withdrawal OR a bank printout that is stamped and signed by the bank showing gift withdrawal ·         A copy of the bank statement showing gift funds clearing as well as a 30 day history prior

Step 3:  Additional Client Responsibilities - Transfer of gift funds - provide the following: ·         A copy of the bank statement showing the gift being deposited with the funds showing as available in the balance

Attached files:

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