Texas public information report

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2022-12-05 03:17



Taxpayer: The information listed is the Taxpayer Name, Taxpayer Number and Secretary of State (SOS) File Number or Comptroller File Number on file for this entity.

Mailing address: Mailing address on file for this entity.

Principal Office

Principal Office: Enter the address within the United States where the entity’s records are kept.

Principal Place of Business: Enter the address of the place of business for day to day operations.

Officers, Directors, Managers: Enter the name, title, term expiration date and complete address for each officer, director, member, general partner or manager of the corporation, LLC, limited partnership, professional association or financial institution as of the date the report is filed. If you need to add more Officers, Directors and/or Managers choose Add Another.

Note: For reports due prior to 2016, Limited Partnerships (LP) and Professional Associations (PA) were required to file the Ownership Information Report.

If the information is prepopulated already, this information is obtained from the most recent Public Information Report (PIR) processed by the Secretary of State. If the information is not correct, please edit the information. We will provide the Secretary of State with this updated information.

Domestic profit corporations and domestic professional corporations must enter all officers, which must include the president and secretary, and all directors. One person may hold all offices.

Domestic non-profit corporations must enter all officers. Different persons must hold the offices of president and secretary. There is a minimum of three directors.

Domestic limited liability companies must enter all managers and, if the company is member-managed, list all members. All officers, if any, must be listed.

Non-Texas entities must enter all officers and directors that are required by the laws of the state or country of incorporation or organization.

Limited partnerships must include all general partners.

Professional associations should report the members of their executive committee.

Owned Entity(s): Enter information for each (subsidiary) corporation, LLC, LP, PA or financial institution, if any, in which this entity owns an interest of 10 percent or more. If you need to add more choose Add Another.

Owned By, Corporation: Enter information for each (parent) corporation, LLC, LP, PA or financial institution, if any, that owns an interest of 10 percent or more in this entity. If you need to add more choose Add Another.

Registered Agent: Enter the name and address of the registered agent/office.

Declaration Statement: Check the box to declare that the information in this document is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief, as of the date filed, and that a copy of this report has been mailed to each person named in this report who is an officer, director, member, general partner or manager and who is not currently employed by this or a related corporation, LLC, LP, PA or financial institution. The Declaration Statement must be checked to continue.

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